Zelda songs is a musical project created in collaboration with Eric Linder for "Antigel" festival in Geneva. It is a continuation of a previous work made for the piece "Zelda Zonk" (which soundtrack you can hear on the page " Other Work" on this website) . Zelda Songs features a selection of Marilyn Monroe's songs, rearranged into a rock music version. It is

played in the form of live set with the group KMA .

"Zelda Song " offers a full dusting of a more sensual Marylin than ever, which must have make many panties fly!. Yes, Madam! I say it high and loud; the association Maud Liardonand Polar and the group KMA makes panties fly!Marilyn without marshmallow, without peroxidized curls,without sequinedgown, a tormented Marilyn that makes you want to dance very tight "

Press release from the site  «Gimme da’thing», le MagaZine, 9th february 2011


Music: Eric Linder

Guitar: Raphaël Fruttaldo

Basse: Bastien Dechaume

Drums: Dragan Bajic

Concept and Vocals: Maud Liardon

Première on the 8th february 2011 within the "Choregraphical Cabaret", Salle des Eaux Vives, ADC, Geneva

Presse Zelda Songs ICI